Please find some free resources from our Wellbeing Practitioners below.
Mental Health Support for Young People and Families:
Action For Children | Children’s charity | For safe and happy childhoods
Define Fine – Parent Peer Support for School Attendance Difficulties
5 children’s mental health picture books (
Teen Breathe magazine – Mindfulness & Wellbeing
Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (
Ambitious about Autism | National charity for autistic children and young people
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
The Mix – Essential support for under 25s
The Lily Jo Project | Your Online Mental Health Resource
Youth Recovery Program – NoPanic
OCD-UK | A national OCD charity, run by, and for people with lived experience of OCD (
Women’s Self Injury Support Services | Self Injury Support (