A garden can be a place of beauty, a melting pot of life and a place of hope.
Whatever your background, beliefs and values, it’s undoubtedly true that being amongst nature and nurturing a garden is intrinsically linked to wellbeing, a sense of fulfilment and a place to find peace.
At YMCA Exeter this is true for the hundreds of young people we care for annually. Using the garden as an analogy helps to build a picture of the importance of our work.
For the children we support through our CBT Children’s Wellbeing Service, it’s similar to providing support for your peonies, at a time when they most need it or providing a framework for growth like a well-structured teepee around your sweet peas.
For the attendees of our youth clubs, it’s about creating the right environment for growth through providing much-needed nutrients and food and a safe place to put down their radicle.
For some young people, it’s helping them to remove the weeds and obstacles from their lives.
For those in our supported housing, it’s all about the right positioning or location, a place where they can make a life for themselves and be rooted in a community. Like a young tomato plant that at first needs the protection of a greenhouse to give it the best chance of survival, it’s not long before you’re able to plant it outside as long as it has the right supportive environment.
And for some, just like the ivy taking over my back fence, we just let them go and watch them flourish!.
Become a Friend and help transform the lives of even more young people through access to safe, quality homes and the unique care they need.
To request more information or a postal copy of the direct debit form please ring our fundraising team on 01392 410530, otherwise please follow the instructions on the CAF form below.
How monthly donations help us
- £10 could provide 4 young people with a nutritious meal and healthy-cooking skills through our Foodboost program.
- £30 will help one young person engage in ‘Horticulture Therapy’ – a trauma-informed gardening project that promotes mental wellbeing.
- £50 could help a child or family in access 1-2-1 mental health support with a qualified Wellbeing Practitioner.
- £100 will help provide a warm room to a homeless young person and support to get back on their feet.