On February 22nd Devon County Council surprised us with the news that they were proposing to cut funds to the 18+ homelessness services. If this goes ahead, YMCA Exeter will lose over £157,000 per year in funding and the consequences for vulnerable young adults will be huge.
The public consultation came to a close on 19th April and we want to take a moment to say a heartfelt thank you from all of us at YMCA Exeter.
We have been amazed at the outpouring of support we have received from members of the public, local councillors, MPs, churches and the media:
- LIAM GERAGHTY reports in the Big Issue, ‘People will die because of this.’
- EWAN MURRIE from BBC Spotlight speaks to MPs from across the county
- BOB CRUWYS from ITV West Country hears life-changing stories from YMCA Exeter residents
- Rt. Rev’d Jackie Searle speaks on YMCA Exeter living out the gospel
Whether you have completed the public consultation form, joined us in prayer, shared the news with others, or given financially during this season – we are so grateful to you for standing with us.
What’s next?
Our efforts will now concentrate on ensuring that Devon County Council takes note of all the information and evidence that has been provided to them.
On 13th June, Devon County Council’s Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Group will be meeting and the proposal to cut funds to the 18+ homelessness services will be top of the agenda. Our Joint CEO, Si Johns will have the opportunity to speak at that meeting.
We need your help
We continue to trust God with the outcome of the consultation that will be announced later in the year and in the meantime, we continue to provide support to the young homeless community in Devon and the young people who live in our supported housing.
Pray with us: We believe in the power of prayer and would love to invite you to join us in praying for our precarious situation. Young people need our support more than ever and we believe God has called us to bring hope and a future to those without a home and struggling with low mental health.
Give financially: Your donation at this time will mean so much. Thank you for giving what you can to support homeless young people.