Policy Statement
YMCA Exeter believes that every person has the right to live a life free from abuse and free from the fear of abuse. In particular, we recognise the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults as being of paramount importance to the organisation regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. Recognising that children and vulnerable adults are at particular risk of abuse, this policy sets out our approach to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from abuse. Our primary aim is to prevent abuse where possible but, if the preventative strategy fails, we will ensure procedures are used to deal effectively with incidents of abuse.
We will work with partner agencies, both statutory and voluntary, to protect children and adults at risk of abuse, based on respect for an individual’s human rights. We will adhere and follow the guidance of the “Working Together to Safeguard Children” 2018. We will operate within the framework of the South West Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures as determined by the South West Safeguarding and Child Protection Group (SWSCPG – http://www.online-procedures.co.uk/swcpp/), the Devon Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB – https://new.devon.gov.uk/devonsafeguardingadultsboard) and the Devon Safeguarding Children Board (DSCB – http://www.devonsafeguardingchildren.org). This policy together with related procedures are based on the above websites, the Home Office/Department of Health document “No Secrets”, and “Safeguarding Adults: A Multi-Agency Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse (rev. 2010)” jointly published by Devon County Council, Devon and Cornwall Constabulary and NHS Devon.
Our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures will comply with all relevant legislation and regulation, in particular the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (SVGA) as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (POFA), the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (ROA) as amended, and Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017.
Our staff, Board and volunteer recruitment procedures shall comply with safer recruitment best practice to minimise the risk of inappropriate individuals being appointed to positions where they may have opportunity to exploit children or vulnerable adults.
The aim of this policy statement is to set out guiding principles regarding safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults that apply to every part of YMCA Exeter’s operations. Day-to-day implementation of this policy shall be by means of Operational Procedures and Guidance Notes drawn up by the Safeguarding Officer(s), which shall be made available to all relevant persons.