Our October half-term fundraiser saw some fantastic bake sales take place across the city in support of YMCA Exeter’s work with local young people.
A few highlights of the week were our friends at Exeter City Living raising an incredible £184 at their staff team social event. Local Estate Agents, Wilkinson Grant, kindly contributed a further £100 donation – a bake sale total of £284!
Our Exwick Community team brought the Big Bake Cake Sale to the Exwick Parish Church as part of ‘Friday Friendship’; our free community group supporting young families. We heard the chocolate cake went down well, and the team raised £100 across just one morning.
Finally, a group of residents enjoyed baking flapjacks and brownies at the Lighthouse Café, our resident and staff café space at St David’s Hill. Hilary Bush, our Fundraising, Resource & Communications Manager said, “It was great to see a team of our St David’s Hill residents baking and fundraising with us”.
A huge thank you to everyone who rolled up their sleeves and got baking to make a difference! The money raised will help us to continue enabling young people to belong, contribute and thrive in Exeter.
If you’d like to run your own bake sale and raise money for YMCA Exeter, simply click on the link below to download a free fundraising pack, or send an email to office@ymcaexeter.org.uk.
Laura Farrar, Customer Service and Admin Officer