Why Should I Make a Will?

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Making a Will is the only way you can be sure your wishes will be met after you die. Dying without a Will – ‘intestate’ – can cause unnecessary distress to family and friends.

Should I tell YMCA Exeter if I include you in my Will?

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Your Will is a very personal document and you are under no obligation to let us know if you have included a gift to us. However, it is enormously helpful if we do know your intentions. That way we can make sure we only send you information that is helpful and relevant to your circumstances…

What type of gift might I leave to YMCA Exeter?

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There are three different types of gift you might like to consider. A ‘specific gift’ is an item or possession such as jewellery, property or shares. You can also give a ‘pecuniary gift’, which is a donation of a fixed financial amount. Many YMCA Exeter supporters choose to leave us a ‘residuary gift’. This is…

How do I make use of YMCA Exeter’s partnership with Octopus Legacy?

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Start your free, Will-writing journey with the support of Octopus Legacy, an online Will-writing service used by YMCA Exeter and YMCA England & Wales. Simply click here to get started. This page has all the information you will need, including a full list of FAQs and details for online & phone support. Octopus Legacy also…