“You have to look back to look forward”

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“Moments to pause and reflect are often elusive in our fast-paced busy lives, yet when we are intentional in stopping we are reminded of the huge blessings that surround us and the incredible hurdles God has already overcome. This isn’t a 21st-century issue, however. Many times in the Bible we read of God’s own people…

“I never knew my personality could be like a magnet to people”

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Our amazing staff at YMCA Exeter work quietly behind the scenes, helping each young person to access the support they need and begin a journey of recovery. It’s rarely straightforward, but a gradual process of tiny steps forward. Jamie’s story of transformation is a wonderful reminder of how each staff member is essential for the…

“I really thought I might end up homeless… but now it’s wonderful to feel safe and secure”

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A couple of weeks ago I spoke to Emma*. As she bravely shared her story with me, it was a fresh reminder of why young people urgently need access to safe and affordable accommodation. This month we’re celebrating raising over £200,000 towards the Sidwell Studios build. Emma’s story is a stark reminder of why the new development…

Captain Tom 100 challenge inspires local people to raise money for YMCA Exeter

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May bank-holiday weekend saw people from across Devon taking part in the Captain Tom 100 challenge to raise vital funds for YMCA Exeter’s work with local, young people.   From skating 100 laps of the Heavitree skatepark, to litter picking 100 pieces of litter around St David’s Hill, local people used their imagination and rose to the challenge.  …

YMCA Exeter’s first virtual Sleep Easy event brings fun and laughter to children and young people during lockdown

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YMCA Exeter saw over 160 people sign up to the first virtual Sleep Easy event on Friday 19th February. The week-long event provided free activities and a focus throughout half-term for families during lockdown and culminated in a big sleepover on the Friday night.   The virtual event invited children and young people to swap…

YMCA Exeter tackles city’s challenging 1-bed housing crisis with plans to transform an abandoned warehouse

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YMCA Exeter and Exeter City Council, alongside Homes England, are launching a joint venture to tackle Exeter’s 1-bed housing crisis by taking an abandoned warehouse in Acland Road – near the city centre – and converting it into 26 self-contained studio apartments. Each apartment will provide a young person with a permanent, affordable home and…

YMCA Exeter celebrates receiving £9k from The National Lottery to help children, young people and residents facing mental health concerns

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YMCA Exeter is today celebrating after being awarded almost £9k in National Lottery funding to support its work with children, young people and residents facing mental health concerns. We will use the money to run further groups and early intervention support to help children and young people build resilience so they can cope during mental…

Spotting young people’s potential and giving them time

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Over the past few weeks our YMCA Exeter youth and support workers have been in touch with young people getting their GCSE, BTEC and A-Level results. Read on to hear our Joint CEO, Si Johns, reflect on his own story from education into employment and discovering God’s calling. _______________________________________________________________________ Being a teenager in 2020 is pretty nerve…